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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bush Baby

They are from waka-waka... Africa. :))

Baby Tiger

This baby tiger's so cute. Cuddly. So innocent.


Have you watched the cartoon I am Weasel? Here is I R Baboon. lol

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hermit Crab

Hermit Crabs are like lobsters / shrimps that have shells as their house. They change their shells from time to time.


Are you familiar with the videos of llamas with hats? Go and search it in the youtube.


So Wolverine is not just an X-Men character. I know there's gotta be an animal wolverine somewhere. :)


Stork are the rumored birds that carry babies all over the world. Do you believe on this?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Giant Centepede

Watch this centipede how it changes its skin and eats it. What would you do if you encounter one of these?


Zebras are mammals with distinct patterns upon their body. Every zebra has its own unique pattern, same as the uniqueness of our fingerprints.

Sea Urchin

Sea Urchins are sea creatures born with self defensive thorns scattered all over their bodies. Watch the video and you will witness how an urchin moves on land.


Scorpions are well-known to be one of the deadliest creatures in the world. One sting from its tail - and you'll be paralyzed and afterwards... you die.


Cicadas are huge insects that are also called as locusts. They don't bite or sting you without any purpose. You can only be stung if they mistaken your body as a wood or food. The sting is painful, but don't worry because it's not harmful. Planning to pet one?


Gazelles are also like dogs, but with horns. They are mostly found in Africa, and some in Asia. Gazelles are runners, and eats on plants and leaves. They are graceful while running.


Axolotls originated in Mexico City, they are like the pokemon WOOPER. Many people in America and Japan are keeping them as pets. Sadly, axolotls are nearly to meet extinction.


Panda means black and white cat foot. Pandas are originally from China. They are the cutest animals ever, having fluffy black and white hair, cuddly body (watch out it might attack people), adorably cute face. Normally feeds on bamboo shoots.

Goliath Beetle

Goliath Beetles are the largest beetles in the world. They are harmless unless threathened. Good choice for home pets. It's life span is only 4-6 months though.


Sloths are lazy mammals, looks like they are lacking energy when they move. But beware for you might think they are defenseless, those claws that they own might come in handy for self defense. Just watch how adorable this sloth, how he tries to cross the road. :)

Black Widow

The black widow is one of the deadliest spiders in the world. It's venom could instantly kill a human being. I've watched circus acts that they put black widows inside their mouth.That's creepy.


Armadillo means "a little armored one". Armadillo can easily move and curl despite of the armor made up of small bones. It fed on insects like ants and termites.